Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Arti overshold dan overbrought dalam forex

Arti overshold dan overbrought dalam forex

Overbought Dan Oversold,Daftarkan Diri Anda Sekarang

5/5 (5) OB (Overbought) dan OS (Oversold) merupakan keadaan dimana harga tidak dapat lagi melanjutkan trendnya dikarenakan sudah terlalu mahal atau terlalu murahnya harga sehingga 04/12/ · Risiko Oversold Dan Overbought. Meskipun Oversold Dan Overbought sering diandalkan dalam trading forex, namun perlu diperhatikan jika keduanya tetap memiliki Sebaliknya, market yang berada dalam downtrend kuat akan tetap berada dalam kondisi oversold untuk jangka waktu lama. Dengan kata lain, osilator memiliki nilai yang lebih terbatas 03/12/ · Indikator & Expert Advisor Forex Akurasi Tinggi. Saturday, December 3, Home»» Arti Overbought Dan Oversold Dalam Trading Arti Overbought Dan Oversold Harga yang naik dan mencapai level tertentu akan mengalami kondisi jenuh beli (overbought), sedangkan harga yang turun hingga level tertentu akan mengalami keadaan jenuh jual ... read more

Agar aman, kita mesti menunggu saat garis RSI telah memotong garis level 70 dari atas ke bawah untuk kasus overbought seperti contoh berikut, atau memotong garis level 30 dari bawah ke atas untuk kasus oversold. Pada contoh di atas, entry sell dilakukan setelah RSI memotong level 70 dari atas ke bawah area B , dan hindari untuk entry ketika keadaan overbought baru saja terjadi area A. Secara garis besar, berikut adalah rangkuman penjelasan mengenai Overbought dan Oversold dalam trading:.

Selain dengan indikator RSI, kondisi overbought dan oversold yang potensial sebagai titik entry dan exit ini juga dapat dideteksi dengan indikator CCI. Simak ulasannya dalam artikel Trading Dengan Overbought dan Oversold Indikator CCI. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan lain seputar Overbought dan Oversold serta bagaimana mendeteksinya pada indikator-indikator lainnya, selain dari komentar, Anda juga bisa langsung bertanya pada ahli kami pada forum tanya jawab seputar indikator berikut ini.

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Rizal Sf. KONTAK KAMI PASANG IKLAN BROKER BELAJAR ANALISA ARTIKEL. Kutip Balas. Urutan Komentar Terlama Komentar Terlama. Komentar Terbaru. Newbie Posts: trading dengan memanfaatkan overbought dan oversold ini memang bisa membuat kita yakin pada saat menentukan posisi yang baik untuk mendapatkan profit, dan memang kebanyakan memakai RSI, tapi ane juga di octafx memanfaatkan juga MFI untuk melihat arahnya , mungkin mirip mirp juga ya Kaskus Maniac Posts: 7, banyak cara dan indikator yang bisa kita manfaatkan untuk bisa menggunakan oversold dan overbought yang penting trader kudu cukup sabar juga dalam upaya untuk bisa menunggu moment yang pas Diubah oleh chopetonkfx Kaskuser Posts: Batal Balas Thread.

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Mengenal Oversold Dan Overbought Dalam Trading Forex — Overhold dan overbought merupakan dua istilah yang tak bisa dipisahkan dan sering muncul dalam analisa trading forex. Pada suatu saat, kondisi harga di pasar tidak akan selalu bergerak naik, atau terus menerus turun. Namun bisa saja harga mengalami kenaikan atau turun terlalu jauh dari seharusnya. Kondisi ini selanjutnya bisa berakibat pada terjadinya retrachment atau koreksi, sebelum akhirnya harga meneruskan pergerakan arah trend atau malah berbalik arah.

Kondisi harga yang naik dan mencapai level akan mengalami kondisi jenuh atau overbought. Sedangkan kondisi harga yang turun hingga level tertentu akan mengalami jenuh atau oversold. Sebelum melakukan analisa, pastikan anda telah mengetahui kondisi oversold dan overbought dengan benar dengan bantuan indikator oscillator. Indikator ini memiliki dua standart level ekstrim seperti RSI Relative Strength Index serta Stochastic. Jika anda melakukan trading menggunakan platform MetaTrader, anda bisa mengetahui indikator tersebut dengan cara :.

Indikator RSI dan Stochastic keduanya bisa mengukur Oversold dan Overbought, standart level yang mereka gunakan berbeda. Indikator RSI, batasnya jenih beli 70, dan oversoldnya Sedangkan pada Stochastic, standardnya sebesar 80 dan Sebagai sesuatu yang bisa memeberikan isyarat terhadap kondisi harga jenuh, oversold juga diartikan sebagai penanda reversal bullish.

Sebaliknya, overbought juga digunakan untuk mengisyaratkan potensi reversal bearish. Oleh karena itu, crossing sinyal RSI ataupun Stochastics dari level oversold dan overbought sering diantisipasi trader untuk mengambil posisi berdasarkan strategi trend yang reversal. Jika anda mendapati harga sedang mengalami kenaikan kencang, namun grafik melintasi level 70, itu artinya kemungkinan harga akan mengalami turun. Kondisi ini bisa anda antisipasi dengan melakukan membuka posisi sell.

Meskipun fungsi utama overbought untuk memberikan sinyal, ia juga bisa dimanfaatkan oleh trader untuk mengikuti trend trend follower. Biasanya, overbought dijadikan sinyal awal bagi trend follower yang masih menahan posisi buy sebelum mengambil langkah exit. Sementara trader pengikut trend baru akan buka posisi sedikit lebih lama dan mencari kesempatan lain ketika kemungkinan harga akan melanjutkan trend.

Tak jauh berbeda dengan overbought, sinyal jenuh jual juga menjadi syarat entry bagi pengguna strategi trend reversal. Hanya saja, jika overbought dijadikan sinyal sell, oversold difungsikan sebagai indikasi open buy. Apabila anda menggunakan indikator RSI, maka sinyal tersebut akan muncul ketika grafik indikator mengalami penurunan hingga level Jika kondisi ini terjadi, biasanya Pada saat trend follower akan merespon dengan bersiap mengakhiri posisi sell yang sudah ditahan sebelumnya, ataupun menghindari open posisi jika sinyal penerusan downtrend tidak mendukung.

Meskipun Oversold Dan Overbought sering diandalkan dalam trading forex, namun perlu diperhatikan jika keduanya tetap memiliki resiko. Sinyal Oversold dan Overbought akan lebih efektif bekerja di pasar sideways. Ketika harga sedang trending dan sentiment pasar berpengaruh terhadap pasar, maka kondisi ini bisa menyebabkan Oversold dan Overbought terjadi secara terus menerus.

Jika anda melakukan entry berdasarkan sinyal jenuh beli atau jenuh jual, pastikan anda tidak terlalu bersambisi dan tergesa-gesa dan menggunakan indikator atau metode analisa lain. Selain itu, waspadai ketika Oversold dan Overbought pada saat harga sedang trending. Jika harga membentuk pin bar atau pola pembalikan, anda bisa gunakan entry trading dengan strategi trend reversal bisa lebih terkonfirmasi.

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Mengenal Oversold Dan Overbought Dalam Trading Forex December 4, by icha Leave a Comment. Cara Mengenali Oversold dan Overbought Sebelum melakukan analisa, pastikan anda telah mengetahui kondisi oversold dan overbought dengan benar dengan bantuan indikator oscillator. Cara mengetahui Oversold dan Overbought Indikator RSI dan Stochastic keduanya bisa mengukur Oversold dan Overbought, standart level yang mereka gunakan berbeda.

Fungsi Oversold dan Overbought Dalam Trading Forex Sebagai sesuatu yang bisa memeberikan isyarat terhadap kondisi harga jenuh, oversold juga diartikan sebagai penanda reversal bullish. Cara Trading Dengan Overbought Jika anda mendapati harga sedang mengalami kenaikan kencang, namun grafik melintasi level 70, itu artinya kemungkinan harga akan mengalami turun.

Cara Trading Oversold Menggunakan RSI Tak jauh berbeda dengan overbought, sinyal jenuh jual juga menjadi syarat entry bagi pengguna strategi trend reversal. Risiko Oversold Dan Overbought Meskipun Oversold Dan Overbought sering diandalkan dalam trading forex, namun perlu diperhatikan jika keduanya tetap memiliki resiko.

Jika anda melakukan entry berdasarkan sinyal jenuh beli atau jenuh jual, pastikan anda tidak terlalu bersambisi dan tergesa-gesa dan menggunakan indikator atau metode analisa lain Selain itu, waspadai ketika Oversold dan Overbought pada saat harga sedang trending. Filed Under: Artikel Forex dan Keuangan Tagged With: Overbought , Oversold. Newsletter Gainscope. CS » Hubungi Kami.

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OverBought & Oversold: Pengertian dan Fungsinya Dalam Forex,Popular Posts

Harga yang naik dan mencapai level tertentu akan mengalami kondisi jenuh beli (overbought), sedangkan harga yang turun hingga level tertentu akan mengalami keadaan jenuh jual 03/12/ · Indikator & Expert Advisor Forex Akurasi Tinggi. Saturday, December 3, Home»» Arti Overbought Dan Oversold Dalam Trading Arti Overbought Dan Oversold 5/5 (5) OB (Overbought) dan OS (Oversold) merupakan keadaan dimana harga tidak dapat lagi melanjutkan trendnya dikarenakan sudah terlalu mahal atau terlalu murahnya harga sehingga 02/08/ · Dalam pasar trading, entah itu index, komoditas ataupun forex ada istilah Overbought dan Oversold. Apa itu overbought atau oversold? mari kita bahas secara singkat. 04/12/ · Risiko Oversold Dan Overbought. Meskipun Oversold Dan Overbought sering diandalkan dalam trading forex, namun perlu diperhatikan jika keduanya tetap memiliki Sebaliknya, market yang berada dalam downtrend kuat akan tetap berada dalam kondisi oversold untuk jangka waktu lama. Dengan kata lain, osilator memiliki nilai yang lebih terbatas ... read more

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Kondisi ini bisa anda antisipasi dengan melakukan membuka posisi sell. Sering kali harga bergerak sideways ranging pada level-level tersebut dalam waktu yang agak lama sebelum mulai berbalik arah. Aktifkan ekstensi. Apa itu FOREX TRADING? Dua indikator ini sangat mudah digunakan dan memberikan sinyal yang valid.

Best forex indicators of buy and sell

Best forex indicators of buy and sell

Free Forex Indicators of buy and sell,Best Forex Indicators for Forex Traders?

AdWith Binance Academy you will learn the basics of everything related to the Blockchain. Join millions of students from around the world already learning on Binance Academy 27/11/ · Best Forex Indicators Relative StrengthForex is a financial trading market very similar to stocks. The main difference is that stocks are bought and sold on the open market, whereas forex is bought and sold on the foreign exchange market. Following are the top forex indicators of the year to help you become a forex trader AdRange of derivative investment platforms - 85% of retail derivative accounts lose money. Best Forex brokers reviewRevisões de Corretoras · Indicadores Gratuitos · Simple interface · Trusted BrokerTypes: Buy in 1 click, No hidden fees, % Free Demo, % Secure AdQuotex Is An Innovative Platform With Up To 98% Return On Every Investment! With A Minimum Deposit Of Just $10, This Is A Great Choice! has been visited by 10K+ users in the past month ... read more

The buy sell indicator plots a line that gives an insight into the Forex market. The line depends on the condition of the trend: bearish or bullish. On each session of the trading, the indicator comes with some lines that probably give each trader an idea of where they can place stops. Trading becomes a lot easier if you know the right thing to do, including the right tool to use. Some of the best Forex buy sell indicators are discussed below:.

Stochastics is a Forex buy sell indicator designed to measure the relationship between the price range and the closing price of an issue. The relationship is measured over a specific period of time predetermined by the trader. You can use the stochastics forex buy sell indicator in combination with the squeeze momentum indicator for better trade entries.

The trading indicator has some attractive features. This includes its easy trading curve and an impressive accuracy rate that allows a trader to know the best time to either invest in or sell a security.

It also shows the position of a stock, whether it is in oversold or overbought position. This piece of information helps traders to decide whether to buy a stock or not. Although fourteen is the default number for the time mode, it can nevertheless be used for a day, week, or month.

Hence, Stochastics is a leading technical indicator, thanks to its array of attractive features. This is another Forex buy sell indicator that deserves a look into. it draws a blue arrow that gives traders an idea of the signal to invest in. its red arrow is a signal to sell your asset. As you can deduct from the name, this indicator is designed for the MT4 platform. Is that a restriction?

Far from it! The MT4 trading platform is the most popular Forex trading platform and the preferred trading platform for most Forex traders who know their onions. Thus, rather than be a restriction, it is a blessing, a support when you need it. Parabolic SAR is a unique Forex by sell indicator. Rather than focus on where new trends begin only, it goes a step ahead to identify there ends as well.

This indicator places points or dots on a chart, giving traders an idea on areas where price movement reversal may take place. We will also go over some different Forex indicators that you can use to help you make money online.

The Forex market is a huge financial market where people can make money by buying and selling currencies. The market for this currency is constantly changing, so traders need to be ready to make money when it happens. Forex indicators are tools that traders use to help them analyze the market and decide whether to buy or sell. You can use indicators to track your trading or investing strategy.

Some indicators look at past trends and use those trends to predict future trends. Other indicators look at price and price action and use those to predict future price action.

Forex indicators are a powerful tool that can help you understand your trading psychology and identify potential trading opportunities. Forex indicators can be divided into two categories: trend and momentum indicators. Trend indicators are used to identify the direction of the market. This type of indicator is useful for traders who want to make money by buying and selling currency.

An example of a trend indicator is the DMA Daily Moving Average. A Forex indicator is a tool for you to use to get the most out of Forex financial markets.

Forex indicators are used to help you look at the trends in the market so that you can see how they will play out in the future. You can use numbered indicators to predict markets. Technical indicators are indicators that can be used to help you make better decisions when working with a Forex and Stock.

They can be used to help you see if a market is taking a risk or not. Technical indicators are the things that are happening in the market today. If there are technical indicators that are very bullish or very bearish, that means that the market is trading in a certain direction. Forex trend indicators provide a variety of different market signals, and this can be used in a number of different ways. There are a lot of different types of indicators. Or you can use a combination of different indicators to see how they work together.

You can do this by combining indicators that are similar to each other. For example, you may want to combine the MACD Indicator with the Stochastic Oscillator.

Relative StrengthForex is a financial trading market very similar to stocks. The main difference is that stocks are bought and sold on the open market, whereas forex is bought and sold on the foreign exchange market. Following are the top forex indicators of the year to help you become a forex trader. You can use this number to tell how much you think the stock market is sensitive to any one number.

Moving Average is the time period where the price will move up, down or sideways. When you see an upward or downward trend, these are called trading trends. A downward trend means that the price is moving downwards, while an upward trend means that the price is moving upwards. For example, if you see a big move up or down in the market, then you can use the indicator to see where that trend is going. Moving average works by calculating the average of the last 10 or 20 candles.

You can use moving averages to help determine if your current move is on an upward or downward price trend. This process also helps you determine if you should buy or sell. MACD stands for Moving Average Convergence Detector.

It shows you the trend on the chart and which direction the price is trending in. The Fibonacci retracement is a technical indicator that can be used to see where the price is expected to go. Fibonacci retracement lines are lines that trend higher sell-offs and lower buy-offs.

They can be used to detect where prices will move in the future. A retracement is simply a short term market reversal that pops up, and it generally happens after a major trend has broken down. Retracement is regularly used to describe popping back up to the price where the trend started from. Retracement is important because it can give you a better understanding of the market by showing you where the trend started from.

Ichimoku Cloud is a visualization tool that is used to help traders find their stop losses and take profit levels. It is based on the Japanese stock market Ichimoku Cloud, which is a Japanese term for a range of Japanese candlesticks.

Ichimoku Cloud uses Japanese candlesticks as its main indicator and charts on a daily and weekly basis. It can be used to identify trading opportunities and chart trading ideas.

Forex Buy Sell Indicator … Every trader is aware of the importance of using the right trading tools to enhance their performances. They understand that these tools, including Forex indicators, allows them to make wise trading decisions that increase their chances of profiting their investment rather than bank on personal knowledge only that can affect their trading activities adversely.

A Forex technical indicator is a trading tool that can assist you to trade like a pro, your lack of experience in the industry notwithstanding. They help you to find the best trade ideas. Market analysis is a lot easier and less time-consuming. The buy sell indicator plots a line that gives an insight into the Forex market.

The line depends on the condition of the trend: bearish or bullish. On each session of the trading, the indicator comes with some lines that probably give each trader an idea of where they can place stops. Trading becomes a lot easier if you know the right thing to do, including the right tool to use.

Some of the best Forex buy sell indicators are discussed below:. Stochastics is a Forex buy sell indicator designed to measure the relationship between the price range and the closing price of an issue. The relationship is measured over a specific period of time predetermined by the trader. You can use the stochastics forex buy sell indicator in combination with the squeeze momentum indicator for better trade entries. The trading indicator has some attractive features.

This includes its easy trading curve and an impressive accuracy rate that allows a trader to know the best time to either invest in or sell a security. It also shows the position of a stock, whether it is in oversold or overbought position.

This piece of information helps traders to decide whether to buy a stock or not. Although fourteen is the default number for the time mode, it can nevertheless be used for a day, week, or month. Hence, Stochastics is a leading technical indicator, thanks to its array of attractive features. This is another Forex buy sell indicator that deserves a look into.

it draws a blue arrow that gives traders an idea of the signal to invest in. its red arrow is a signal to sell your asset. As you can deduct from the name, this indicator is designed for the MT4 platform. Is that a restriction? Far from it! The MT4 trading platform is the most popular Forex trading platform and the preferred trading platform for most Forex traders who know their onions.

Thus, rather than be a restriction, it is a blessing, a support when you need it. Parabolic SAR is a unique Forex by sell indicator. Rather than focus on where new trends begin only, it goes a step ahead to identify there ends as well. This indicator places points or dots on a chart, giving traders an idea on areas where price movement reversal may take place. Thus, when the price keeps appreciating, you can also predict when the price will depreciate by paying attention to the dots or points on the trading chart.

Simplicity of use is the hallmark of the Parabolic SAR Forex buy sell indicator. You have a buy signal when the dots or points are below the candles and are advised to sell your asset when the signals are above the candles.

The indicator is best used in trending markets where downturns and rallies are long. The Buy Sell Magic Indicator is another Forex buy sell indicator specifically designed for the MT4 platform. Just as every trading tool designed for the platform, traders can rest assured that they have the best support while trading on a leading trading platform in the Forex trading industry. This trading indicator simplifies trading by generating easy-to-read trading signals for all and sundry.

The information helps them to solve the problem of irrelevant histograms and lines that do nothing but serve as a distraction to traders. One of the candles must close before the coast is clear for traders.

The same rule applies to its read arrow. That may be a wrong investment decision. Before you open a trade, make sure that one of the candles is close. The simplicity of use and a wide range of options to choose from allow you to use a tool with the mandate to simplify trading. You can use any of the available options from the comfort of your home or office without giving a second thought to your inadequacies as a newbie trader since the tool already has that covered for you.

If you make the wise use of this tool, it will have a huge impact on your trading experience. Home Best Metatrader Indicators Best Tested Forex System Forex Tips Contact BEST TESTED FOREX INDICATOR March 27, Table of Contents. Ready to get your Winning Forex Indicator? MORE INFO.

Best Forex Indicators to Generate Buy and Sell Signals,What Is a Forex Indicator?

27/11/ · Best Forex Indicators Relative StrengthForex is a financial trading market very similar to stocks. The main difference is that stocks are bought and sold on the open market, whereas forex is bought and sold on the foreign exchange market. Following are the top forex indicators of the year to help you become a forex trader AdRange of derivative investment platforms - 85% of retail derivative accounts lose money. Best Forex brokers reviewRevisões de Corretoras · Indicadores Gratuitos · Simple interface · Trusted BrokerTypes: Buy in 1 click, No hidden fees, % Free Demo, % Secure AdQuotex Is An Innovative Platform With Up To 98% Return On Every Investment! With A Minimum Deposit Of Just $10, This Is A Great Choice! has been visited by 10K+ users in the past month AdWith Binance Academy you will learn the basics of everything related to the Blockchain. Join millions of students from around the world already learning on Binance Academy ... read more

This is why many traders use multiple indicators. What Is Free Margin In Forex? There are a lot of different types of indicators. Indicators Forex Trading Systems. When the HMA is rising, it indicates that the currency pair is in an uptrend. Best Stochastic Settings June 2,

Read More…. Fibonacci retracement lines are lines that trend higher sell-offs and lower buy-offs. Leave a Reply Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment, best forex indicators of buy and sell. Email Enter your email address. The Forex volume indicators are used as a confirmation tool to confirm the trend. Hence, Stochastics is a leading technical indicator, thanks to its array of attractive features.

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AdLow spreads, local funding & fast online registration. Your capital is at risk. Join FxPro and fund via local bank with 0 fees from just $ Register now+ Instruments · Multi-regulated · Truly global broker · 95+ International Awards 10/01/ · Best Forex Brokers for IG - Best overall broker, most trusted. Saxo Bank - Best web-based trading platform. CMC Markets - Excellent overall, best platform technology. Best Forex Brokers Forex is one of the most liquid financial markets that attract more investors year by year. By , the total daily turnover is equivalent to $ trillion, having AvaTrade has plenty of merits up its sleeve, from round-the-clock multilingual customer support to a broad scope of trading instruments, including over 60 forex pairs, indices, cryptos, 8. eToro. eToro is one of the safest brokers in this list of the best forex traders and trading platforms. Two tier-1 and one tier-2 jurisdictions regulate this platform. eToro is also a platform ... read more

Its other praiseworthy features are;. The average spread cost is 1 pip. The platform also charges withdrawal fees and holding a position for longer than usual. Start trading forex with eToro now! Plus is another suitable option for forex traders looking for the best forex brokers and trading platforms. You can protect your profits and limit losses by using the latest Plus trading tools. The plus point of choosing Plus is that you can practice on a free unlimited demo account until you feel ready to go for real trading.

Plus has the following remarkable features. Plus is the best trading platform because it offers almost all major forex trading services free of cost.

However, the platform charges additional fees such as holding positions longer than a day, inactive fees, etc. TD Ameritrade FX is another one of the best forex brokers and trading platforms that grants access to state-of-the-art technology and modern forex trading tools.

You can trade with 70 plus trading pairs. The average pips spread of TD Ameritrade FX is 1. London Capital Group has been in the business for the past 20 years. The group enables you to trade on more than instruments across nine asset classes. London Capital Group is one of the best forex brokers and trading platforms because of its various features. London Capital Group offers competitive pricing with a spread of just 0. There is a multitude of online forex brokers and trading platforms.

Each one of them claims to be the best forex broker or the best forex trading platform. It is true that most of them offer good services. It is a difficult task to pick one that suits you. However, if you follow the following guidelines, it will be easy for you to choose the best forex trading platform you. Regulatory compliance is paramount for forex brokers.

You should make sure that your forex broker is regulated by authorities such as NFA, CFTC, FCA, ISA, etc. You should look for the account requirements such as minimum deposit, deposit and withdrawal methods, and so on.

It helps you analyze whether or not account requirements suit you. Pricing is an important factor that you cannot afford to overlook.

Find out how your broker makes money. It is important to find a broker with the most competitive rates.

Leveraged trading enables you to trade on a bigger scale than your account balance allows you. Therefore, leverage trading significantly enhances profit margin. All the best forex trading platforms offer a wide variety of currency pairs. You should check whether the platform of your choice offers currency pairs of your interest or not.

An advanced trading platform with the latest fundamental and technical tools is crucial for forex traders. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of the platform is important before picking a forex trader. You should also consider the level of emphasis on customer support by a forex broker. Why hope for your trading to work when you can precisely know the performance stat of every pattern?

Do you want to follow a great video course and deep dive into 26 candlestick patterns and compare their success rates?

Then make sure to check this course! A step by step guide to help beginner and profitable traders have a full overview of all the important skills and what to learn next �� to reach profitable trading ASAP. First Name. Get All Tips for Profitable Trading. Picking his platform and broker for day trading can be complex. Hands down, the CMC Markets Next Generation trading platform is a market leader that will impress even the pickiest of traders.

The new Dynamic Trading tool allows you to place multiple trades simultaneously, which was a nice innovation by CMC Markets this year. If you're a particular fan of mobile platforms, see our picks for best forex trading apps here.

However, trading with a small amount of risk capital can let you test a new investment methodology, or allow beginners new to forex trading learn by trial and error. Trading forex with such a small amount of capital will severely hamper your bottom line but can be a great way to learn with less risk.

That 3. When it comes to pricing — commission plus spread — Tickmill offers the most competitive all-in costs, especially for active and VIP traders, who have access to pricing that is among the lowest in the industry. Using typical spread data listed by Tickmill for its Pro account offering of 0. Methodology: To assess brokers, we take into consideration how much beginners, average traders, and even more seasoned traders would pay, looking at average spreads for standard forex contracts , units as well as mini accounts 10, units and micro accounts 1, units , where applicable.

We then calculate the all-in cost by including any round-turn commission that is added to prevailing spreads. IG offers the most tradeable CFDs in the industry, 19, CFDs, or "contracts for difference," enable traders to speculate whether the price of a stock, forex pair, market index, or commodity will go up or down without taking ownership of the underlying asset. Alongside nearly 10, CFDs, CMC Markets offers the most tradeable currency pairs, with pairs that can be quoted both ways i.

As a highly-trusted and regulated global brand, Interactive Brokers IBKR provides everything professional traders might need, from advanced trading tools and platform features to competitive pricing across a wide variety of markets, as well as connectivity to over global exchanges.

In addition to competitive spreads and low commission-based pricing for forex, Interactive Brokers provides more third-party research than any other broker. Interactive Brokers continues to innovate its platform offering, such as with its new Impact app for environmental, social, and governance ESG investing, alongside the related Impact dashboard available in its Trader Workstation TWS desktop and WebTrader platforms.

Professional client status : In today's highly regulated forex world, traders who want to maximize their margin leverage must apply and obtain ESMA's professional client status with their broker. Traders designated as Professionals in the EU do not receive negative balance protection and other consumer safety mechanisms such as eligibility for compensation schemes in the event of a broker's insolvency.

Methodology : We broke down each forex broker's active trading program to assess brokers for professional trading, comparing available rebates, tiers, and all-in costs. Alongside pricing, each broker's trading platform was tested for the availability of advanced trading tools frequently used by professionals.

Here are three of the most important factors to keep in mind when choosing an online broker for forex trading. It is crucial to use a well-known, properly regulated broker to avoid forex scams. To check if your forex broker is regulated, first identify the registration number from the disclosure text at the bottom of the broker's homepage. Next, look up the firm on the regulator's website to validate the registration number; to help traders, we track, rate, and rank forex brokers across over 20 international regulators, and you can find their websites here.

If the broker is not regulated in your country, do more research. If a forex broker is operating as a dealer, also known as dealing-desk, they will be on the other side of their client's trades. If a forex broker is not on the other side of their client's trades, they will be acting as an agent agency broker by routing the trade on to another dealer.

There are also hybrid-desks, which may operate as a dealing-desk and agency. Lastly, matched-principals are dealers who immediately hedge their trades to remove any potential conflict of interest. For forex and CFDs trading, the all-in cost to complete open or close each trade consists of the spread, plus any round-turn commissions. There may also be overnight financing charges, known as carrying costs, which can be either a net debit loss or a net credit refund.

Here are the Overall rankings for the 39 online brokers who participated in our Annual Review, sorted by Overall ranking. Was this helpful? Yes or No. At ForexBrokers. com, our evaluations of online brokers and their products and services are based on our collected quantitative data as well as the qualitative observations and qualified opinions of our expert researchers.

Each year we publish tens of thousands of words of research on the online forex brokerage industry, and we evaluate dozens of international regulator agencies click here to learn about how we calculate Trust Score. We test all available trading platforms for each broker — whether they are proprietary or come from third-party providers — and evaluate them based on a host of data-driven variables.

All websites and web-based platforms are tested using the latest version of the Google Chrome browser. Our Desktop PCs run Windows 11, and we use MacBook Pro laptops running macOS Ultimately, our rigorous data validation process yields an error rate of less than. For a full explanation and accounting of our research and testing process, please click here to learn more about how we test.

There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading securities. With respect to margin-based foreign exchange trading, off-exchange derivatives, and cryptocurrencies, there is considerable exposure to risk, including but not limited to, leverage, creditworthiness, limited regulatory protection and market volatility that may substantially affect the price, or liquidity of a currency or related instrument. It should not be assumed that the methods, techniques, or indicators presented in these products will be profitable, or that they will not result in losses.

Read more on forex trading risks. Steven Hatzakis is the Global Director of Research for ForexBrokers. Steven previously served as an Editor for Finance Magnates, where he authored over 1, published articles about the online finance industry.

A forex industry expert and an active fintech and crypto researcher, Steven advises blockchain companies at the board level and holds a Series III license in the U. as a Commodity Trading Advisor CTA. John Bringans is the Senior Editor of ForexBrokers. An experienced media professional, John has close to a decade of editorial experience with a background that includes key leadership roles at global newsroom outlets.

Forex traders have access to a wide range of sophisticated tools to safeguard their gains and restrict their losses, including guaranteed stop orders. Spreads at Plus are relatively competitive, averaging 0. Account registration is easy and quick as it takes a few minutes only. Those based in the EU and Australia can additionally inflate their positions through leverage of for majors and for other pairs.

com, our main goal is to help you find online brokers that allow you to trade with confidence. All reviews you see on this website have been compiled based on our unwavering standards and a rigorous methodology we continue to perfect to this day.

We ensure all sites we recommend can deliver the high-quality trading experience we have come to expect. com takes pride in being fully transparent about its broker evaluation process.

We Consistently Revise and Improve Our Methodology Furthermore, we continue to revise and fine-tune our methodology to ascertain it considers the newest trends in the world of online forex brokers.

Another thing we take into account is the feedback of real traders. The Areas We Cover in the Process of Forex Broker Evaluation Reviewing online brokerages is not a one-sided process.

To receive a high rating from our team, an online forex broker cannot simply provide a decent trading platform. Our experts consider a variety of other factors as well, including financial instruments diversity, trading costs, account types, safety of funds, the availability of good educational materials, and more.

The team behind BestBrokers. com has designed an assessment system that covers multiple areas of analysis. All brokers we review receive a score for their performance in each area. We frequently revisit the brokerages to ensure they maintain a consistent level of quality.

If not, our team updates their scores accordingly. Here are the main areas our experts pay attention to:. The ease of payments is another essential factor we take into account. First, we look closely into the range of available deposit and withdrawal methods.

Some of the most common options are credit cards, wire transfers, checks, and e-wallets like PayPal. Then we consider the initial deposit amount to see whether it is low enough to accommodate those of you who are starting out with limited capital. The best trading sites readily waive the extra charges, covering the payment-associated expenses for traders.

Finally, we also check the processing timeframes for withdrawals — the shorter they are, the higher the score we assign for this area. Online brokerages often introduce various platform and service improvements, change their terms, or adjust their pricing.

We strive to reflect these changes so that we always deliver accurate and up-to-date information and ratings to our readers.

Our team keeps a close watch on the brokers to stay on top of any potential changes and update the ranking if necessary. Worthwhile forex brokers provide a selection of different account types to accommodate all categories of traders.

The most widespread options include demo, mini, micro, standard, and Islamic accounts. Each type serves a different purpose and has its advantages. Your choice of account should be primarily based on your individual trading goals, experience level, and the amount of capital you are willing to commit with.

While browsing the internet in search of a suitable broker, you are likely to encounter terms such as dealing desk, market maker, straight through processing, and electronic communication network.

These terms might sound as if derived from some strange tongue, but in reality they correspond to the different types of business models used by forex brokers.

Below you have brief explanations of each model at a glance. Dealing Desk DD Brokers — Also known as market makers, dealing desk brokers execute orders for a variety of financial instruments, including currency pairs, hard and soft commodities, options, and equities.

These brokers generate profit from the difference between the bid and ask prices, i. they buy at a lower price and then sell at a higher one. Requoting is common when you use their services. No Dealing Desk NDD Brokers — No dealing desk brokers give their clients first-hand access to the interbank markets. NDD brokers act as mediators between traders and the interbank market participants. They pair up the opposite sides of trades initiated by two different clients, serving as a bridge between the two.

Direct market access prevents requoting and trading prices update in real time. Another advantage of using the services of these brokers is that they offer lower spreads which are flexible rather than fixed. There are two subtypes of no dealing desk brokers STP and ECN. We explain them in further detail below. Such brokers give you direct access to interbank market participants like hedge funds, fellow retail traders, banks, and other brokerages.

The trading process occurs via electronic communication networks, which allow for higher levels of price-feed transparency and deeper liquidity. All market participants have access to the price-feed information as well as to previous price history.

This comes with several advantages. On one hand, it enables traders to easily analyze specific market trends. On the other hand, it helps prevent price manipulation since everyone has direct access to the information about past and present prices.

However, this comes at the expense of per-trade-based commissions which can have a negative impact on your bottom line. The most pronounced difference between the two has to do with routing. ECN brokers act as liquidity hubs consisting of many connected liquidity providers who strive to find counterparties for the trades they cannot handle themselves.

STP brokers do not charge fixed commissions on the trades they facilitate. Instead, they profit by adding a markup to the spreads quoted by the liquidity providers in their pool. When trading currency pairs with the brokerages recommended by BestBrokers. com, you will encounter several types of orders.

It is important to get a grip on what they are and how they work so that you can fully benefit from them. Orders serve as instructions you send to your broker, specifying how you want to buy or sell a given asset, in this case currency pairs. Keep in mind the available types of orders you can use are broker-specific and might vary from one trading site to another.

Below we explain the most common ones. With market orders, you instruct your forex broker to enter or exit a given trading position at the best price that is currently available.

The broker will immediately execute the order. One downside of market orders is that they might result in excessive slippage during turbulent periods when the markets are moving fast.

When conditions are volatile, there might be discrepancies between the price you have picked and the price at the time of order execution. Limit Orders With limit orders, the forex trader sends an instruction to their broker to buy or sell a pair at a certain price or higher.

To put it simply, these orders work to your advantage because brokers execute them only when the prices become more beneficial to you. You can use them for both short and long positions.

TOP FOREX BROKERS REVIEW. Find the best forex broker comparison in With our deep research, we found the best forex broker like FP Markets, FX Pro, FXChoice, IC Markets, XM and Pepperstone on our forex broker comparison list based on lowest spreads, no deposit and withdrawal fees, trading platforms, fast execution, and high-quality customer support.

Start your trading now with the best forex broker. FP Markets FxPro Global FXChoice IC Markets XM Global Pepper Stone. Welcome to our FP Markets review on our best forex broker comparison , where we talk about one of the biggest brokers in the world.

Based in Australia and allowing international clients to participate, the broker uses ECN pricing and Direct Market Access to CFDs. This results an attraction to the traders and makes FP Markets on the top of our forex broker comparison list. With their selection, it is easy to see why people would prefer to use FP Markets real accounts and their efficient methods of trading and blazing fast execution speeds.

FP Markets is the best platform for forex trading when it comes to the variety of what they offer:. FP Markets offers access to over 13, trading instruments which make FP Markets one of the best forex brokers that you can find on our forex broker comparison. Some of the products and markets FP Markets offers that include:. FP Markets allows the trading of shares using metaTrader 4 , metaTrader 5 and IRESS. When using MT4, you will have access to 20 stocks.

You will also get ECN prices on these. The fees are in the spreads and eliminate commissions. IRESS offers more stocks, numbering in the thousands for trading using Direct Market Access and fast executions, with commissions at 0.

Our best forex broker comparison where we compared FP Markets with other 5 popular brokers in the market. With the FP Markets you will access CFE, CME, CBT, and NYM. When you are trading these and other CFDs , you will have three account types to choose from. This account is voted as one of the best trading account on our forex broker comparison. As usual, be careful when dealing with CFDs because of how volatile things can get. This account is considered as top in our forex broker comparison.

The index options you will get here are some of the best brokers compared in our forex brokers comparison list regulated by ASIC. Markets you can trade here include the FTSE , Dow Jones, NASDAQ , and the Sydney Futures Exchange. When you are a trader who wants to use the Index CFDs and open positions on the whole market instead of an individual stock, FP Markets is one of your best forex brokers to consider.

Maximum Leverage Offered. When it comes to reputation and trustworthiness, FxPro scores quite high in the UK. The company was founded in in the U.

and has executed more than ,, orders. In , they were voted the most trusted forex brand in the U. and in our forex broker comparison list. Some of their unique features include an algorithmic trading center that works well with cTrader. With this, you can create your trading strategies and custom indicators.

They will give you all this and also offer you both CFD and spread. With the spread, you can get tax advantages as a U. In our IC Markets review , we found their spreads to be comparable to ECN. Not only do they have all these great options, but their customer service is also excellent. The live phone support system works well with a toll-free number in the U. Because of the range of forex pairs and the opportunity to trade equity indices, commodities, and futures, FxPro is head and shoulders above IC Markets , in this respect.

Founded in , FXChoice is a global trading platform that offers multiple trading markets with flexible spreads and low commissions. It is regulated by FSC Belize. By opening an account with FXChoice, you can trade forex, indices, cryptocurrencies, CFDs, and Commodities.

FXChoice offers two types of accounts, classic and pro. However both of these accounts are similar, but their pricing mechanism is slightly similar. Between the two, the classic account is beginners friendly. Additionally, FXChoice allows you to open up to 5 live accounts.

Therefore, you can easily test both classic and pro accounts. As a result, you can pick the desired one according to your requirements. Differences between classic and pro accounts: the minimum order for a classic account starts from 0.

Spreads for the classic account start from 0. FXChoice offer forex, crypto, indices, commodities, and share. Forex: The broker has 36 forex pairs for all types of traders across all account types. You can trade all major currencies along with the minors. Crypto: FXChoice offers bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum as the crypto CFDs. You can trade and of these cryptos against the USD.

Indices: Usually, the index CFDs help the trader ease the risk throughout the market. They offer 6 top indexes from around the world. Commodities: FXChoice commodities offer metal and energy CFDs. So, you can trade gold and crude oil using the FXChoie trading account.

Shares: Trading shares with FXChoice offers several benefits for traders. Will all these benefits, you can trade 55 share CFDs. The MQL5 signal service can make anyone an experienced trader. Hence, a newbie trader can easily make a profit using the signals. So, MQL5 comes in handy in such cases. This can help you to follow top traders and copy their trading automatically.

Also, you will get Expert Advisors EAs in your account. EAs help to run through the MT4 trading platform and make the trading automatic. In addition to that, FXChoice also comes with a VPS service. It is a virtual location with a stable internet connection.

As a result, you may lose your trade. FXChocie offers both MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms for all users. You can use these platforms on your computer, web, or even on your mobile phone. However, there are some differences between these two platforms. For example, MT4 pending order types are 4, while it is 6 for MT5. MetaTrader 4 offers 30 technical indicators, and MetaTrader 5 offers 38 technical indicators.

IC Markets Brokers have a raw Spread account that is known as the True ECN Broker. The costs are meager. IC Markets webtrader allows you to trade without downloading the app, on a browser. You can start with the IC Markets demo account to test things out. However, when you look at the rates for IC Markets, you find that they are higher than most of the competitors. A quick look at the three forex accounts offered by IC Markets with cTrader and true ECN known as Raw Spread , you find that they have the lowest spreads.

With the IC Markets spreads like this, we consider this an ECN account with STP. A look at ECN brokers tells you that they connect you as the client directly to the liquidity pools where you automatically can find the best spreads possible that are not manipulated by the middle men.

ICMarkets MT4 can be used to access the liquidity pools and be able to deal directly with the people who provide liquidity. ICMarkets does not have a dealing desk in this respect and that means they do not requote prices to you. You will have the opportunity to buy or sell at the exact prices that the liquidity providers give.

An analysis of other fees for the CFD broker reveals the following things about IC Markets on our forex broker comparison;. With ICMarkets, you will not have to pay additional charges to make deposits. You can pay using the following methods:. International transfers have a fee of AUD 20, charged and not IC Markets. Depending on the method you use, the deposit may take time to reflect or be instant.

Just like deposits, there are no withdrawal fees except for international transfer that will charge AUD IC Markets does not have a penalty for inactivity when an account is not used for a continuous period. These fees are standard and are charged by all CFD brokers. They apply when a position is kept open for the next trading day. The costs change regularly. On Wednesday nights, the charge to hold a pair triples. Aside from great features like ICMarkets MT4, there are many other things this company offers the users.

Best Forex Trading Brokers,Is Your Risk/Reward Enough?

Best Forex Brokers Forex is one of the most liquid financial markets that attract more investors year by year. By , the total daily turnover is equivalent to $ trillion, having Even though the general rule is, Regulation is the first and most important factor to consider when choosing a forex broker, some unregulated forex brokers do function honestly and will AdCompare the Best Forex Brokers using more than 50 criteria. Choose best SEC regulated forex broker from our list. Best Bonuses and offers 8. eToro. eToro is one of the safest brokers in this list of the best forex traders and trading platforms. Two tier-1 and one tier-2 jurisdictions regulate this platform. eToro is also a platform AdTraders choice for Global Forex Trading. A leading Forex and multi-product platform. Zero Fees on Deposits & razor-sharp pip spreads on our MT4, MT5 & Web blogger.comte Risk Protection · Personal Support 24/5 · Low Spreads on ALL Pairs AdLow spreads, local funding & fast online registration. Your capital is at risk. Join FxPro and fund via local bank with 0 fees from just $ Register now+ Instruments · Multi-regulated · Truly global broker · 95+ International Awards ... read more

Difference between True ECN and STP Brokers Commission Charged On true ECN accounts, as a trader you will be required to pay a fixed commission to open and close trades. You will have the opportunity to buy or sell at the exact prices that the liquidity providers give. It is very aptly said that knowledge is light as well as power. com does not include all banks, credit card companies or all available credit card offers, although best efforts are made to include a comprehensive list of offers regardless of compensation. All the best forex trading platforms offer a wide variety of currency pairs.

Blacklisted Brokers Menu. Hands down, the CMC Markets Next Generation trading platform is a market leader that will impress even the pickiest of traders. Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website, best similar forex brokers. You will be able to get access to something that they call MAM Multi Account Manager. If your account remains inactive for a given period, usually twelve consecutive months, many brokers will start deducting monthly inactivity fees from your available balance for maintenance purposes. Written by Steven Hatzakis Edited by John Bringans Fact-checked by Joey Shadeck. Day Trading Strategies Best similar forex brokers Day Trading Platforms.

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Need ideas? Get inspired and start planning the perfect foreign exchange logo design today. Simple, a little bit playful but still keeping serious aspect, not too 'busy looking', and meaningful are my direction while creating this icon. I created this logo that I was inspired from candlestick chart. Strong Cobra Logo for stock market. Logo design for ELEV8 Trading. Minimalist style logo design for a Forex trading education group.

Invest with AI This logo was created as part of a Design Contest I took part in. The brand's mission was to ease the investment decision-making process through the use of clever AI that predicts changes in the stock market. DraftCap is an app that is surrounded by the stock market and financial industry.

Cap stands for Capital. moumou Funny shape of bull's head. New logo for Financial Spread Trading company. Logo for a company that provides a service that monitors the stock market and provides real-time alerts for those who want to keep abreast of important stock market activity.

Simple and clean logo for Cloud services. Bold minimal monogram emblem. Logo design for Reversal Swings.

Trading signals for the stock market. I use trend pattern in shape the bull. This all stylized from financial market bars. Trade Journal is a web app designed to simplify inventory and sales tracking for small businesses.

The goal was to capture the essence of the word "hustle", inspiring thoughts of building something from the ground up. The piggy bank was the perfect metaphor with which to capture this. To re-imagine the piggy bank and make it more interesting, it was dressed as a quirky "bull", referencing rising stock markets success.

This is also a play on words relating to the turn of phrase "bull in a china shop", which is comically ironic, as Trade Journal provides order, rather than chaos. Bold Cobra Snake Logo for Trading Company. Cobra snake as logo, with elegant, aggressive look. Combined with trading candlesticks on the tail, required by client. Concept Logo for Forex Boat. Merges with financial market projection graphs with the element of a boat.

Minimal and flat abstract logo for finance company from real estate field. Geometric and simple shape based on square with eyecatching apeal, featuring silver accents that gives depth and dimmension.

Paired with clear modern font, this logo left both me and client happy with the outcome. As per client's request, this simple wordmark have old chinese coin replacing the letter O.

Done in modern and minimalistic style and featuring dark charcoal colorway with neat green accents, design is strong and clear. Typography is bold and customised and works well with flat coin which provides a bit of depth to overal look. Charging Bull logo for Holding company. A client approached to me wanting masculine modern, charging bull for his international holding company. It took me some time to get it right but both, client and me are extremely satisfied with end results.

three pillars of finance arranged in a way to represent growth, stock market We are a financial Advisory group that takes pride in our planning process that helps people prepare for whatever situation might come up in life. Minimalistic and modern logo. Modern, simple and minimalistic logo for app that caters to the crypto users and industry. Clever play on smartphone and initial letter works well paired with clear bold font and featuring brigt and fresh blue shade.

We're an investment firm that provides growth equity to software companies. Modern financial consulting firm logo. Logo Design representing security and trust for asset management firm. Winistry is a Blockchain and AI Startup Studio. Molecular mark for ELIX Derivatives. ELIX Derivatives is an equity options brokerage with a global high net worth client base. The company was looking for an abstract, sophisticated and modern mark, with futuristic and feminine qualities, that would evoke the core of their business model, which is connecting people in pursuit of their goals.

The mark speaks to molecules forming, while echoing - without stating by fully forming - an E for ELIX. The mark is paired with a custom wordmark with a futuristic feel, but not overt, so it isn't reducible to a certain style only.

The product is in the financial security industry cryptocurrency. Modern Logo Design for a Conference Attracting Ultra-High Net-Worth Attendees. Logo for a Canadian investment company.

Capital growth is indicated by the two bars that forms the camel shape. By this means the logomark conveys very effective what "Black Camel" is about.

Service with online training videos for financial modeling. Logo design for "StocksToolbox". Edge of the World animation for SHLEN cryptocurrency exchange. I like playing with motion and glitch art. This is an animation I created concurrently with designing the mark.

I was imagining light emerging along the edge of the world. A new dawn. Appropriate for the futuristic outlook of the cryptocurrency domain. First Fidelity, LLC is a growing company that helps clients gain a better understanding of financial concepts behind investing, retirement insurance, wealth preservation and estate planning.

Smart, simple logo for an investment company combining company name, typography and the investment scaling symbol. A lifetime warranty that includes minor revisions is also included! AgOS is a platform which leverages Supply Chain Finance and Blockchain technology to facilitate novel approaches to managing and financing food supply chains.

BRIEF: Simple finance and accounting software allowing users to manage invoicing, expenses and more. Dimensional mark for SHLEN cryptocurrency exchange. SHLEN is a soon-to-be-launched exchange for cryptocurrencies. It takes its name from shilling, the unit of currency formerly used in Austria, Britain, and British Commonwealth countries. The word derives from a Germanic root, meaning to split or divide.

The client was seeking a dimensional, line art-based mark. I wanted to play both on abstract forms of S, and X, for exchange. The mark is divided, to give a nod to the original root meaning of the word shilling.

Simple and Engaging Logo for Financial Software Operating System. QuantHub is an operating system OS designed to help manage investments, and in particular, to facilitate the design and implementation of systematic or quantitative strategies. Quantitative investing takes a scientific data-centric approach to invest money, by building statistical forecasting models as a set of very complex rules in order to make decisions.

The three shapes within the circle symbolize an upward directed financial bar chart, conveying that financial success is an inherent ingredient of QuantHub. The parallel shapes also remind of conductor tracks, so that the symbol fits well in the environment of a software OS.

Finally, the symbol represents an abstract Q matching the initial letter of QuantHub. The customer wanted a simple logo that works in both the smallest resolutions of 32x32 pixels as a favicon, but also in full-size glory. It was a great collaboration. The customer felt the same way and so he invited me to also redesign the logo for his parent company.

Logo is based on check mark, rotating them to make cool and abstract shape, but with meaning. Logo available for sale. Get in touch if you´re interested. Arturo - a project of Blue Ocean Labs - is a decentralized finance DeFi protocol partnered with Composable Finance. Its name is derived from Arturo Di Modica, the sculptor of the world-famous Charging Bull on Wall Street in New York. After a period of discovery, we honed in on this mark: a simple icon, inspired by Cubism.

Picasso is a project under Composable Finance. Logo for a "Cool Bank". Design a logo which is eye catching and memorable for a "cool" bank. Simple, bold logo incorporating "BI" initials with business elements. Clean looking Logo for Home Improvement Financing startup website. Logo for a fintech financial technology company that develops software tailormade for private individuals who trade FX foreign exchange.

Forex logo design,How To Make Your Own Forex Logo

BrandCrowd has hundreds of forex logos that you can customized in just a few clicks. You can try the forex logo maker for free! To create the perfect forex design, simply follow these Create Forex Logos Online for Free. Check DesignEvo's forex logo creator and find professional logo templates to help you make logos online. There are plenty of templates, Forex logo ideas? We've collected some amazing examples of foreign exchange logos, designs & images from our global design community. Get inspired and start planning the perfect Be inspired by these forex Logos - Get your own perfect forex logo design at DesignCrowd! Cannot display content Want to be seen as a dependable, trustworthy brand or maybe you want to be sporty and active. Choosing the right colors for your logo is the key to getting the message right Brand Logo Downloads. Brand Logos Keyword - Logo Design (Letter K + Letter Y + Arrow) Fixdpark Team. k. Sign up to continue or sign in. Dribbble is the world’s leading community for creatives to share, grow, and ... read more

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Forex expo singapore

Forex expo singapore


AdNow we stand as one of the lowest cost service providers in the industry! We’ve nearly demolished our service costs. Your capital is at risk Forex Expo is a global interactive B2B event in the Forex industry taking place in Limassol, Cyprus for the second time. The legendary show with a year history was organized in hybrid format with an opportunity to watch online from every corner of the world for the first time and proved to be a great success, so the act promises to be no less ShowF x World F inancial conference took place on July 27 in Singapore. This unique event was organized for those who are interested in trading and investing. In a single day, the leading tutors from around the globe held six workshops and seminars 10/09/ · Finance Magnates London Summit. London, UK. February 23 to 25, Traders Expo - Las Vegas. Las Vegas, NV. May 15 to 17, The MoneyShow - Las Vegas. Las Vegas, NV. We only list forex conferences & forex events that feature a significant amount of content on investing in Forex or Foreign Currency Exchanges Forex Expo Dubai is the largest event in Middle East for Investors and Forex industry leaders to network and explore more business opportunities in the Forex Trading space. Don't miss the opportunity to meet the right Forex companies to invest and trade. There are many promising areas for making money other than the forex business ... read more

For the past 10 years, he is Head of the Analysis Department preparing daily technical outlooks. In addition, he provides more in-depth analyses of forex, commodities, and global market developments. Slobodan is frequently featured and quoted in various leading online financial publications such as FX Street. Amarnath Rath is the CEO of CMS Prime. As a former head of the product development team of cTrader, he possesses strong technical expertise and a deep understanding of the B2B landscape in the e-FX and CFDs industry.

Daire Ferguson is the CEO of the AvaTrade Group for over a decade. Also, an MBA from Warwick Business School WBS in the UK. Darren leads the Trading team at Worldpay from FIS, where he focuses on enhancing strategic payment solutions for trading firms and partners. In his spare time, you will likely find Darren on the golf course. Farah Mourad is a senior Market Analyst at XTB MENA.

Farah is proud to be among the youngest analysts in the MENA region. She started her career in the news side, around cameras and producers, covering high-profile investigative financial journalism reports in Lebanon for 2 years. Farah then found her passion in the investment sector.

In , she started by creating programs for a first-of-its-kind live program: Educating investors on risk management and the risks in the FX market. Since then, Farah has always been on top news channels and platforms.

Today, she is part of the large XTB Market Analysis team globally and the only member in the MENA region. XTB Market Analysis team ranked among the top 3 lists for the current global Bloomberg ranking for G10 and emerging markets analysis. I consider myself to be a highly enthusiastic and positive individual. Always self motivated and familiar with working under pressure. A fundamental value I have learned through experience is that knowledge is the key to success. With that being said I am exceptional at training and guiding those who are looking to learn Forex trading.

Furthermore, My goal is to reach out to people who have the wrong misconception about trading in the global market. Amgad Attia is a highly experienced and accomplished Forex consultant, lecturer and educator. Having been with FXDD in various capacities for over 15 years, makes him one of the longest-serving executives in the FX industry in the Middle East.

He is also a former Commodity Trading Advisor registered with the National Futures Association, and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission. Additionally, Amgad travels internationally on educational tours to provide professional market insights to Arabic-speaking regions. With over 20 years of experience in the global financial markets, and as a former journalist and translator specialized in economic and geopolitical events, Amgad draws on his knowledge of financial sentiment and his adept observation and communication skills, to deliver lectures that are well received by traders of all levels.

He is Also a featured contributor to various news outlets such as NY1, MSNBC Arabia, and CBC News. Amgad was a member of the Cairo foreign press association in Egypt, where he graduated with a degree in journalism and political science and served with the United Nations in various positions.

After arriving in the United States in the mids, he pursued post-graduate studies and financial certifications. I am the Director of Business Development at VT Markets and within the Forex Industry for over 9 years. Establish in many areas I have developed my carrier in many large organizations and am now part of VT Markets. Worldpay continues to develop its verticalized proposition to not only offer global reach and scale, but also industry and local expertise to ensure that our customers offer the right payments journey for their market.

Claire enjoys finding solutions to client needs, as well as keeping up with the latest trends in financial services to better understand their requirements. As an ex-McKinsey consultant, Claire has experience in serving leading Financial Services corporations, and has advised on the definition and implementation of corporate and global growth strategies.

Tausif Ahmed, Merchant Country Leader UAE, Worldpay from FIS Tausif is the UAE Merchant Country Leader for Worldpay from FIS, implementing comprehensive growth strategy across the MEA region. Tausif holds an MBA from the University of South Wales, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Sciences from Bloomsburg University of PA, USA.

Ben-Florian Henke is one of the two founders of GBE brokers and leading GBE Prime. He is a veteran in financial and investment banking with over 15 years of experience in the forex and CFD industry. Henke founded GBE Prime as an institutional brand of the GBE Group in late with only a handful of institutional clients.

Under his leadership, GBE Prime grew significantly. Today, around brokers use GBE Prime as their main liquidity provider for Forex other CFDs. Mahmoud Omar Al Taher is a sales director at ADSS. Joining the company in , his role is focused on retail sales operations.

With a BA in marketing, Mahmoud has over 17 years of experience in both regional and global capital markets. Market Strategist at Orbex David Kindley is a renowned fundamental analyst with over 10 years of trading experience in the financial markets. With a keen eye for macroeconomics and a special focus on trading psychology, David is passionate about helping everyday investors make informed trading decisions through his thorough research and analysis.

Farzad is one of the most successful Iranian traders reported by Iran Press, Eghtesade Meli, Jahane Eghtesad, and Borna News.

An entrepreneur, investor and founder of Aron Groups. With a background in financial market and PhD in Economics. Farzad spends most of his free time to educate people on social media to become successful traders without any fees. Khaled ElRayes is the Head Of Business Development for MENA region. He is in charge of developing effective business plans and proposals for B2B businesses.

Souhail Fadlallah is a Business Development Manager at Vantage Markets. With over 10 years of experience in the trading industry and a long career working for various brokers in the MENA region Souhail takes pride in achieving a vast knowledge in market analysis as well as risk management while at the same time Souhail helps traders of any background become successful traders in taking the right steps.

Souhail has also worked with HNW clients, institutional and corporate clients. Adel Jibrin has received his Business Administration degree with a major in Finance. Graduate of London Business School with an MBA and BA in Banking and Finance, as well as certificates from series 3, series 34, and CISI, Bloomberg, and ESG LBS. Daniel has extensive experience in financial markets, trading and economics. He appears weekly on several economic and business TV channels.

Additionally, he has been quoted in several financial publications including Bloomberg, Reuters, Yahoo finance, Business Recorder, and Khaleej Times. Negin Negahdari is a Key Account Manager at Exness. She takes pride in being one of the youngest professionals in the MENA region. She is responsible for leading a team of relationship managers as well as driving commercial growth and expansion within the MENA region. Negin also handles portfolios of high value partners and clients.

Mohammad Taha is a business development manager in Accuindex with more than 8 years of experience in the financial markets. His core expertise is in forex, commodities, and indices CFD trading, in addition to his vast knowledge in various trading strategies, technical analysis and risk management.

View Interactive Floorplan. Email : [email protected]. Please leave this field empty. Become sponsor Register Now. Forex Expo Dubai Largest Trading Event. Forex Expo Dubai is the largest event in Middle East for Investors and Forex industry leaders to network and explore more business opportunities in the Forex Trading space.

Don't miss the opportunity to meet the right Forex companies to invest and trade. There are many promising areas for making money other than the forex business. We are a professional exhibition Organising Company and This event is organised to provide high quality education content and networking opportunity for the Forex Industry. Why To Attend? Unlock Forex. Creating a memorable brand image via exposure and sponsorship opportunities.

Industry pioneers live on stage at Forex Expo Dubai speaking hall. Why to Exhibit? What is the current Trend in Forex Investing and Trading? How the regulation for Forex industry is matured? Facts that constitute the current Forexcurrency Trends. What are the top Forexcurrencies in today's market? How Forex payments have expanded in the everyday life? Learn about the industries adopted to Forexcurrency payments.

How the Stable coins and NFT are changing in the world? Our Speakers. Ignas Bakanauskas CEO Kumo Markets Ignas Bakanauskas is a co-founder and CEO at Kumo Markets Forex Broker, with extensive experience in business development and technology solutions. Iskandar Najjar Group CEO Equiti Group lskandar is the CEO of the Equiti Group of companies.

Slobodan Drvenica Head of Investment Research Windsor Brokers Slobodan joined Windsor Brokers in , having been an active trader for over a decade. Amarnath Rath CEO CMS Prime Amarnath Rath is the CEO of CMS Prime.

Nitish Sharma CEO TP Global FX. Daire Ferguson CEO AvaTrade Group Daire Ferguson is the CEO of the AvaTrade Group for over a decade. Farah Mourad senior Market Analyst XTB MENA Farah Mourad is a senior Market Analyst at XTB MENA. Reshmi Katteri Regional sales head Zara FX I consider myself to be a highly enthusiastic and positive individual.

Mohamed Shraka Head of market analysis EMEA Tradeview Markets. Amgad Attia Vice President FXDD Amgad Attia is a highly experienced and accomplished Forex consultant, lecturer and educator. John Georgiou Director of Business Development VT Markets I am the Director of Business Development at VT Markets and within the Forex Industry for over 9 years.

Tausif Ahmed Merchant Country Leader FIS Tausif Ahmed, Merchant Country Leader UAE, Worldpay from FIS Tausif is the UAE Merchant Country Leader for Worldpay from FIS, implementing comprehensive growth strategy across the MEA region.

Ben Florian Henke Head of GBE Prime GBE Prime Ben-Florian Henke is one of the two founders of GBE brokers and leading GBE Prime. Mahmoud Omar Al Taher Sales Director ADSS Mahmoud Omar Al Taher is a sales director at ADSS. Karina Kowalska Business Development Manager Orbex. David Kindley Market Strategist Orbex Market Strategist at Orbex David Kindley is a renowned fundamental analyst with over 10 years of trading experience in the financial markets.

Farzad Vajihi CEO ARON GROUP BROKER Farzad is one of the most successful Iranian traders reported by Iran Press, Eghtesade Meli, Jahane Eghtesad, and Borna News. Khaled ElRayes Head of Business Development MENA region OPO group Ltd Khaled ElRayes is the Head Of Business Development for MENA region.

Souhail Fadlallah Business Development Manager Vantage Markets Souhail Fadlallah is a Business Development Manager at Vantage Markets. Adel Jibrin CEO Hybrid Solution Adel Jibrin has received his Business Administration degree with a major in Finance. Nicolas Shamtanis CEO BDSwiss. Negin Negahdari Key Account Manager EXNESS Negin Negahdari is a Key Account Manager at Exness. Mohammad Taha Business Development Manager Accuindex Mohammad Taha is a business development manager in Accuindex with more than 8 years of experience in the financial markets.

Capital Wallet 13 Visit Website. AAAfx 98 Visit Website. Zulu Trade 12 Visit Website. XM 6 Visit Website. xtb 4 Visit Website. Our coverage includes news and results of Forex and CFD brokers, cryptocurrency brokers and exchanges, liquidity providers, platform developers, regulators, payment processors, currency exchange companies, and all others whose businesses revolve around the online trading sector.

Dot Financial News. Cyprus Russian Business Club. Invest Cyprus. Invest Cyprus Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency is the investment authority of the Government of Cyprus dedicated to attract and facilitate foreign direct investment into the country.

Marios Tannousis. Marios Tannousis holds the post of Deputy Director General at the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency CIPA. He has more than twenty four years of international corporate experience, with twelve years in the international banking and financial services group Societe Generale, where he served at various key posts.

He is a Member of the Board of the European Fund and Asset Management Association EFAMA as well as the Cyprus Investment Funds Association CIFA. He is a Member of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment CISI and holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Rutgers University, NJ, USA and an MBA from Mankato State University MSU , MN, USA. He is also Certified for offering investment services and has a special interest in Economic Development through Investments especially in Banking, Financial Services and Investment Funds.

He represents Cyprus in various international and European Conferences. Benjamin Bilski. Benjamin Bilski is a German serial tech entrepreneur and the founder and CEO of NAGA Group AG, the social network for investing, cryptocurrencies and banking with more than 1 million users. Today, Benjamin's founded company NAGA listed on the German Stock Exchange is amongst the most valued FinTechs in Europe and was one of the best performing German stocks in Benjamin is also a Forbes 30 under 30 member and a former professional swimmer achieving multiple German championships being a member of the German National Team in swimming - Andrey Barchenkov.

One of the main FINEXPO projects are its exhibitions and trade shows, organizing annually all over the world! The events were attended by more than , visitors and 3, huge companies from all over the world. Tony Spyrou. Tony Spyrou with an educational background in business and personnel, has grown and applied his skills at MetaQuotes, currently running the operations and an active Sales team. Tony is also renowned in the industry, and can be trusted for his full transparency, simplicity and always delivering the highest possible level of service with everyone he deals with.

Nikolas Xenofontos. Nikolas is leading SALVUS Funds, a boutique advisory, that works with digital banks, investment firms, crypto-exchanges and investment funds. He is known as a problem solver, passionate about fintech and compliance that adds value. With a diverse work resume Mr. Xenofontos is comfortable discussing managing market risk, the challenges of branding or how to scale an online trading brokerage business. Topic: CySEC as a top tier regulator in EU. Christiana Aristidou.

She is the Director of SmartCity Business, a company that aims to create smart laws and business models that can be used by smart cities to assess what value they offer citizens by integrating ICT and emerging technologies into their infrastructure and services, enabling the acceleration of change from smart cities to smart societies. She is also a non-executive Director of Rhea Legal Tech, a company that offers AI, machine learning and automation solutions to the legal, regulatory and supervisory industries.

She is a member of ITU and has served in ITU-FG-DLTs. She is also a Certified International Legal Project Practitioner IILPM , a member of the PMI Cyprus Chapter, an approved HRD Trainer, the Ambassador of European Legal Technology Association ELTA in Cyprus, and a Digital Transformation Specialist. Christiana is a co-founder, and, until recently, the Vice-Chair of the Cyprus Blockchain Association CBA which has recently merged with the Cyprus Blockchain Technologies CBTs.

She is currently a board member of CBTs and holds advisory and directorship positions in technology companies. Christiana is a regular speaker at local and international Law and Technology conferences. Andreas Livadiotis. I am the founder of XValley Technologies Ltd, a firm with vast tailor-made services focused on developing trading software for diverse global clientele within the financial industry. Upon completing my education of BSc in Computer Science and MSc in Finance in London, I acquired an excellent track record for developing financial technology projects.

I am an entrepreneur at heart, with extensive expertise in the industry for over 12 years. Prior to that, I worked in various major companies, including, but not limited to, FxPro, PrimeXM and FBME Bank, with projects in MT4, MT5, and cTrader.

With a deep passion for innovative technology and career growth, I founded my own company in Since then, I have been significantly successful in forex, blockchain, banking and equity markets projects, raising the bar for innovation limits to new heights. Jan Robert Schutte. Jan Robert is also member of several Advisory Boards and organizes frequently Meetups and Seminars to get people acquainted with interesting Blockchain Projects.

As great influencer on Social Media with more than 10, followers on LinkedIn, Jan Robert is helping projects to expand its global branding, recognition and strengthening its position.

CryptoAcademy is the perfect fit for projects and crypto event organizers to connect with the crypto community. For projects: to create more liquidity in coins.

Dr Andreas Mathikolonis. This has provided him with hands-on experience with setting up organisations, project management, operational and budget planning and strong business acumen, key skills to evaluate projects and businesses for potential investment.

He is very passionate about blockchain technology and he has been actively involved in the digital assets cryptocurrencies industry since He specialises in digital assets trading, infrastructure development with yield generating aspects and venture capital investments in small-medium enterprises. Andreas successfully ran numerous different crypto strategies using his own funds and now he actively manages day-to-day activities of a yield generating crypto fund. He also provides trainings, consultations and business-related mentorships.

Andreas holds a PhD in Energy Harvesting from the University of Southampton as well as an MEng in Electromechanical Engineering. He is also expecting an MBA from CIIM university in Cyprus. He is a certified trainer by HrDA ΑνΑΔ and holds Prince2 certification. Andreas has great interest in volunteering activities, non-formal education and event planning.

He is very keen in organising any size and kind of events, especially with educational and entrepreneurial content. He has great interest in renewable energy sources, sustainable cities and blockchain technology. Andreas regularly listens to audiobooks on new subjects and always trying to keep up with current technological niches.

Xenia Neophytou. Mrs Xenia Neophytou Founding partner of C. Financia, Xenia Neophytou specialises in corporate law, corporate governance, financial services regulation, investment services, asset management and regulation of financial institutions. Xenia is a Registered Mediator in financial disputes with the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry CCCI , the Cyprus Ministry of Justice and the Financial Ombudsman of the Republic of Cyprus.

She is also a Board Member of the Cyprus India Business Association, and member of the technical committees for Funds, of Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus ICPAC and Tax Committee of the Cyprus Investment Funds Association CIFA. Xenia has substantial experience both in an advisory capacity and hands-on operations as a CEO and member of the Board of Directors and Risk Committees of several regulated Investment Firms in Cyprus and she is a regular speaker at conferences.

It is with this background and experience that ultimately led to the founding of C. Financia Ltd. Donna Stephenson. Donna is an experienced recruitment and human resources-centric executive with a year career gained in Cyprus, Malta and the UK. Emerald Zebra is a niche Tech, FinTech and Finance sector recruitment consultancy based in Cyprus. Its inception is in response to the ongoing attraction and facilitation of foreign direct investment in key economic areas in Cyprus, as well as the promotion of Cyprus as a world class investment destination and tech hub.

Prior to founding Emerald Zebra in , Donna co-founded and led a market leading recruitment, HR and payroll consultancy group GRS for 13 years, the largest in Cyprus. Andrew Mreana. He is passionate about financial markets, technical analysis and training. He also leads the DOT Financial News team, launching the video program in , which attracted a large number of traders' fans. Francois Nembrini. Francois Nembrini brings 19 years of international financial services experience with expertise in foreign exchange brokerage for institutional markets.

Viktoria Soltesz. Viktoria is the founder of the payment consulting firm, PSP Angels, which helps online businesses optimising their payment flows and costs by finding the best payment and banking solutions. The Partner of Oxygia, a boutique firm in Malta, which was created to improve the payments processing infrastructure for clients within the iGaming industries, specifically, she runs her finance and tax consulting firm in Cyprus for over 15 years now.

com Viktoria has extensive experience with payment issues and high risk industries. She used to lecture at the University of West London and is a regular speaker at iGaming, blockchain, fintech and investment conferences whilst also being a member of the Directors Chambers.

Stephen Pearson. Stephen is a CEO of Sports Media Gaming Ltd, he has 30 years' background in sports marketing including Marketing Director of the Champions League and Commercial Director for the Premier League.

Laoura Salveta. Laoura Salveta, An accomplished strategy and integrated marketing professional, who has worked the global circuit with brands such as Manchester City Football Club, Guinness, Vodafone, Nestle, as well as leading marketing activities internationally for multiple Forex brokers.

Topic: Marketing strategy beyond the pandemic. What does the future hold? Aris Ioannou. After living nine years abroad in the beautiful cities of London, Lausanne, and Zürich, Aris is making a new start in Cyprus and is currently launching Coinavalon. Coinavalon is a blog providing high-quality content associated with Blockchain, Decentralization, and Cryptocurrencies. Coinavalon intends to put the various elements of the Decentralized world into perspective, ecosystems, and functions; it will allow interesting parties to learn about and navigate the decentralized web with ease.

Aris has been in the space since , managing his own portfolio, with his main focus now on early-stage investments, particularly Layer 1 blockchain networks, DeFi, GameFi, and other emerging trends in the space.

Over eight years of experience in Digital Transformation, building innovative products and re-engineering business processes. Aris also worked for the bank's Wealth Management division, designing and building innovative products for portfolio management and advisory process. Previously, Aris worked as a Research Assistant for IBM Research Zürich and EPFL Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne , where he conducted research in the synergies of Computer Architecture, Systems, and Cloud Computing.

Aris holds a BSc in Computer Engineering Ranked 1st from the University of Cyprus and an MSc in Advanced Computing from Imperial College London. He is currently an MBA Candidate at the Cyprus International Institute of Management CIIM. Marshall Gittler. Marshall Gittler is a leading fundamental analyst of global economies and markets with over 30 years of experience in the financial industry. His career spans high-profile positions in elite investment banks, including UBS, Merrill Lynch, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, and Bank of China.

As a distinguished investment strategist, economist, and financial contributor, he has received international acknowledgement with regular press coverage and frequent appearances as a pundit on Bloomberg TV and CNBC. In recent years, Marshall Gittler has established himself as a global thought leader at BDSwiss, a leading group offering trading and investing services to more than 1. Bram de Jonge. With over 10 years of experience in digital marketing, Bram is currently heading up the Customer Support and Ad Operations teams at AdRoll a division of NextRoll , a marketing automation platform that gives growing ecommerce brands the power to connect with people everywhere they go online.

He has extensive experience in developing, building, and optimizing complex display advertising strategies for some of EMEA's biggest brands. Bram holds a bachelor's degree in International Business and a master's in Strategic Marketing from Maastricht University, The Netherlands. George Kessarios. Since George has been a professional investor and money manager mainly focused on the US equities sector.

He has a deep understanding of the US economy and a keen eye for spotting attractive investment opportunities in undervalued US stocks. George is a holder of the CySEC advanced certificate and a frequent financial markets opinion writer for Greek and other international financial websites. He has been interviewed multiple times throughout his career by prominent news agencies, including Bloomberg.

Peter Leonidou. Peter Leonidou is an industry veteran with more than 20 years of experience in the international financial markets. During the years, Peter worked as Head of Sales and Chief Sales Officer at various reputable financial firms. His latest position before joining Exclusive Capital was Managing Director of a multi-asset liquidity and technology provider firm based in Cyprus.

Eleni Aslani. Equiti Group, is a world class provider of online trading technology and multi-asset financial products with regional offices in different global locations.

Prior to joining Equiti Group, Eleni worked in different industry sectors in senior HR positions providing HR consultancy services and HR training. Her experience in global markets includes Europe, Asia, the UK, and the CIS countries. Eleni is passionate about creating a healthy and optimal employee experience to attract and retain the best employees and to develop a productive work environment that delivers exceptional individual and business performance.

She is a Vocational Training Instructor Level 5 certified by HRDA. Eleni is also a certified Employee Experience Practitioner and received her HEX certification from the World Employee Experience Institute WEEI.

She speaks English, Greek and Russian. Natale Mastoroudes. Natalé Mastoroudes has over 15 years of combined HR experience in the financial services, technology, and fintech sectors. Originally from South Africa, Natalé grew up in Cyprus and studied in the UK — graduating from the London School of Economics and Political Science LSE. Before returning to Cyprus in , Natalé worked as a Specialist HR consultant in London with a client list that span a number of leading financial services institutions including Goldman Sachs and Barclays Capital.

In Cyprus, Natale worked at PwC and technology giant Amdocs before joining a number of leading brokerage firms. Natalé is currently the Head of Human Resources for leading financial services group BDSwiss. Mihaela Grigoriou. Mihaela being a member of the AGP Financial Regulation and Advisory Department, specializes in FS Advisory and Regulatory matters.

She consults local and international financial and investment firms and institutions during their licensing process before CySEC and foreign regulators, as well as on the design and structuring of the investment firm structure. Additionally Mihaela has previously worked at major companies in the Financial Industry as a Regulatory Compliance and AML manager, as she excelled throughout the years she was also heading the department at an E-Money Institution.

She has also worked as Head of Compliance at a major international broker company. Education: - LL. B Law Hons , University of Essex, United Kingdom - MSc in Financial Services, Cyprus International Institute of Management Professional Qualifications: - Barrister at Law, member of the Cyprus Bar Association since CAMS, ACAMS - CySEC Certificate; successful completion of the CySEC Anti-Money Laundering examination.

Victor Ivanov. With a decade experience in B2B sales and business development operations Victor Ivanov is currently working as a Senior Business Development Executive at Brokeree Solutions - a turnkey technology provider for multi-asset brokerages.

Maoz Tenenbaum. Maoz Tenenbaum is a performance-focused business leader and executive in fintech sales. He has invested over 23 years of his career in earning a well-established track record. Maoz holds over seven years of experience in the financial industry, with a particular focus on the FX and Crypto markets, and applies his considerable experience in his position as VP Sales at Leverate. His networking and sales expertise bring new and exciting international branches for Leverate, as the company takes on and succeeds in global markets.

Stavros Psyllos. Stavros brings forward a wealth of experience in all aspects of Ecosystem building for Corporates as well as an excellent grasp of Banking and Payments for high-risk sectors. He has spearheaded successful projects in the FinTech space over the past decade in a variety of high profile jurisdictions.

Throughout his career Stavros has engaged with both start-up outfits as well as established firms in the FinTech space.

His deep knowledge of the industry, coupled with his passionate drive to deliver outstanding customer experiences with high acquisition and retention results; make Stavros an accomplished authority in the area of FinTech operations.

Alexandros A. As a technology and business strategist, Alexandros brings 18 years of financial services experience to EBO. Amongst other blue-chip companies, Alexandros has worked as Country Sales Manager for IBM Italia S. He possesses a solid background in project and change management, business and IT. Oleg Matyushenko. Worked 12 years in the largest Russian metallurgical company in the field of Mergers and acquisitions, in constructed and started the most modern Russian cement works.

Since in Cyprus organized production of a natural Pigment from a natural umbra and the first in Cyprus could receive an insurance covering for special storage of high-valuable assets - precious metals, stones and non-bank storage of cash. Since started branch of the Cyprus company in the free economic zone of Dubai.

Paul Orford. Paul is a multi-decade veteran of FX who in the last decade of his career focused on the institutional trading becoming one of the established names in the industry.

Post retiring from FX, over the past two years Paul has been focused on Neo Banking, working for Breinrock who are one of the most exciting and talked about start-ups in this field, solving the challenges faced by many brands in its B2B transactions. Ross Pitman. Ross serves as a pivotal member of the Senior Management Team having joined as an Executive Recruitment Consultant and going on to be promoted to Senior Business Manager in record time.

With a wide portfolio of clients across a diverse industry spectrum, Ross has supported his clients in identifying, interviewing and placing highly skilled professionals from entry to senior management level. Ross continues to act as a mentor and coach to the whole team offering his wealth of understanding and market knowledge to the next generation of GRS consultants. Since GRS have placed thousands of candidates to advance their careers and meet our client's strategic objectives.

We are yet to learn more about how blockchain and digital assets could change the world towards a new Forex Era, as the Forex Trend continues to stay! Interested in expanding your Forex business to reach the maximum number of potential clients and investors from all across Dubai? Ignas Bakanauskas is a co-founder and CEO at Kumo Markets Forex Broker, with extensive experience in business development and technology solutions.

Experience brought from corporate aviation businesses directly reflects in Kumo Markets ability to attract Hedge and Investment funds with the ability to offer professional trading solution for retail trader as well.

Presentation Title. lskandar is the CEO of the Equiti Group of companies. He has a strong track record leading and growing FX and CFD companies in the Middle East. lskandar began his career as a financial advisor working for Barclays bank in the UK before transitioning to work in the FX industry. lskandar holds a MBA from the London Business School and a MSc in Finance from Leeds Beckett University.

Slobodan joined Windsor Brokers in , having been an active trader for over a decade. At Windsor, he managed the Trading Desk and Own Account Departments for 13 years.

For the past 10 years, he is Head of the Analysis Department preparing daily technical outlooks. In addition, he provides more in-depth analyses of forex, commodities, and global market developments.

Slobodan is frequently featured and quoted in various leading online financial publications such as FX Street. Amarnath Rath is the CEO of CMS Prime. As a former head of the product development team of cTrader, he possesses strong technical expertise and a deep understanding of the B2B landscape in the e-FX and CFDs industry. Daire Ferguson is the CEO of the AvaTrade Group for over a decade.

Also, an MBA from Warwick Business School WBS in the UK. Darren leads the Trading team at Worldpay from FIS, where he focuses on enhancing strategic payment solutions for trading firms and partners.

In his spare time, you will likely find Darren on the golf course. Farah Mourad is a senior Market Analyst at XTB MENA. Farah is proud to be among the youngest analysts in the MENA region. She started her career in the news side, around cameras and producers, covering high-profile investigative financial journalism reports in Lebanon for 2 years. Farah then found her passion in the investment sector.

In , she started by creating programs for a first-of-its-kind live program: Educating investors on risk management and the risks in the FX market. Since then, Farah has always been on top news channels and platforms. Today, she is part of the large XTB Market Analysis team globally and the only member in the MENA region.

XTB Market Analysis team ranked among the top 3 lists for the current global Bloomberg ranking for G10 and emerging markets analysis. I consider myself to be a highly enthusiastic and positive individual. Always self motivated and familiar with working under pressure. A fundamental value I have learned through experience is that knowledge is the key to success. With that being said I am exceptional at training and guiding those who are looking to learn Forex trading. Furthermore, My goal is to reach out to people who have the wrong misconception about trading in the global market.

Amgad Attia is a highly experienced and accomplished Forex consultant, lecturer and educator. Having been with FXDD in various capacities for over 15 years, makes him one of the longest-serving executives in the FX industry in the Middle East. He is also a former Commodity Trading Advisor registered with the National Futures Association, and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission. Additionally, Amgad travels internationally on educational tours to provide professional market insights to Arabic-speaking regions.

With over 20 years of experience in the global financial markets, and as a former journalist and translator specialized in economic and geopolitical events, Amgad draws on his knowledge of financial sentiment and his adept observation and communication skills, to deliver lectures that are well received by traders of all levels.

He is Also a featured contributor to various news outlets such as NY1, MSNBC Arabia, and CBC News. Amgad was a member of the Cairo foreign press association in Egypt, where he graduated with a degree in journalism and political science and served with the United Nations in various positions.

After arriving in the United States in the mids, he pursued post-graduate studies and financial certifications.

I am the Director of Business Development at VT Markets and within the Forex Industry for over 9 years. Establish in many areas I have developed my carrier in many large organizations and am now part of VT Markets. Worldpay continues to develop its verticalized proposition to not only offer global reach and scale, but also industry and local expertise to ensure that our customers offer the right payments journey for their market.

Claire enjoys finding solutions to client needs, as well as keeping up with the latest trends in financial services to better understand their requirements. As an ex-McKinsey consultant, Claire has experience in serving leading Financial Services corporations, and has advised on the definition and implementation of corporate and global growth strategies. Tausif Ahmed, Merchant Country Leader UAE, Worldpay from FIS Tausif is the UAE Merchant Country Leader for Worldpay from FIS, implementing comprehensive growth strategy across the MEA region.

Tausif holds an MBA from the University of South Wales, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Sciences from Bloomsburg University of PA, USA. Ben-Florian Henke is one of the two founders of GBE brokers and leading GBE Prime. He is a veteran in financial and investment banking with over 15 years of experience in the forex and CFD industry.

Henke founded GBE Prime as an institutional brand of the GBE Group in late with only a handful of institutional clients. Under his leadership, GBE Prime grew significantly.

Today, around brokers use GBE Prime as their main liquidity provider for Forex other CFDs. Mahmoud Omar Al Taher is a sales director at ADSS. Joining the company in , his role is focused on retail sales operations. With a BA in marketing, Mahmoud has over 17 years of experience in both regional and global capital markets. Market Strategist at Orbex David Kindley is a renowned fundamental analyst with over 10 years of trading experience in the financial markets.

With a keen eye for macroeconomics and a special focus on trading psychology, David is passionate about helping everyday investors make informed trading decisions through his thorough research and analysis. Farzad is one of the most successful Iranian traders reported by Iran Press, Eghtesade Meli, Jahane Eghtesad, and Borna News. An entrepreneur, investor and founder of Aron Groups. With a background in financial market and PhD in Economics. Farzad spends most of his free time to educate people on social media to become successful traders without any fees.

Khaled ElRayes is the Head Of Business Development for MENA region. He is in charge of developing effective business plans and proposals for B2B businesses. Souhail Fadlallah is a Business Development Manager at Vantage Markets. With over 10 years of experience in the trading industry and a long career working for various brokers in the MENA region Souhail takes pride in achieving a vast knowledge in market analysis as well as risk management while at the same time Souhail helps traders of any background become successful traders in taking the right steps.

Souhail has also worked with HNW clients, institutional and corporate clients. Adel Jibrin has received his Business Administration degree with a major in Finance.

Graduate of London Business School with an MBA and BA in Banking and Finance, as well as certificates from series 3, series 34, and CISI, Bloomberg, and ESG LBS. Daniel has extensive experience in financial markets, trading and economics. He appears weekly on several economic and business TV channels. Additionally, he has been quoted in several financial publications including Bloomberg, Reuters, Yahoo finance, Business Recorder, and Khaleej Times.

Negin Negahdari is a Key Account Manager at Exness. She takes pride in being one of the youngest professionals in the MENA region. She is responsible for leading a team of relationship managers as well as driving commercial growth and expansion within the MENA region.

Negin also handles portfolios of high value partners and clients. Mohammad Taha is a business development manager in Accuindex with more than 8 years of experience in the financial markets. His core expertise is in forex, commodities, and indices CFD trading, in addition to his vast knowledge in various trading strategies, technical analysis and risk management.

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10/09/ · Finance Magnates London Summit. London, UK. February 23 to 25, Traders Expo - Las Vegas. Las Vegas, NV. May 15 to 17, The MoneyShow - Las Vegas. Las Vegas, NV. We only list forex conferences & forex events that feature a significant amount of content on investing in Forex or Foreign Currency Exchanges Forex Expo Dubai is the largest event in Middle East for Investors and Forex industry leaders to network and explore more business opportunities in the Forex Trading space. Don't miss the opportunity to meet the right Forex companies to invest and trade. There are many promising areas for making money other than the forex business AdNow we stand as one of the lowest cost service providers in the industry! We’ve nearly demolished our service costs. Your capital is at risk Forex Expo is a global interactive B2B event in the Forex industry taking place in Limassol, Cyprus for the second time. The legendary show with a year history was organized in hybrid format with an opportunity to watch online from every corner of the world for the first time and proved to be a great success, so the act promises to be no less ShowF x World F inancial conference took place on July 27 in Singapore. This unique event was organized for those who are interested in trading and investing. In a single day, the leading tutors from around the globe held six workshops and seminars ... read more

NCM Investment KSCC 69 Visit Website. He has invested over 23 years of his career in earning a well-established track record. Slobodan is frequently featured and quoted in various leading online financial publications such as FX Street. Amgad Attia Vice President FXDD Amgad Attia is a highly experienced and accomplished Forex consultant, lecturer and educator. Swiss cap holdings. Topic: Marketing strategy beyond the pandemic. IXO Prime 62 Visit Website.

As a distinguished investment strategist, economist, and financial contributor, he has received international acknowledgement with regular press coverage and frequent appearances as a pundit on Bloomberg TV and CNBC. Exhibition, conference, networking — Gala dinner. Forex expo singapore Capital Markets. Philippe Ghanem is an innovator and visionary in global financial markets. Match Prime 85 Visit Website, forex expo singapore. Slobodan Drvenica Head of Investment Research Windsor Brokers Slobodan joined Windsor Brokers inhaving been an active trader for over a decade.

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